
personalised diabetes prediction along with a Q & A Chatbot

File Structure

Preprocessing, Model Building and Hyperparameter Tuning


Web App Components

  1. User Authentication

    Users can log in using their name. The session state is used to manage user accounts and their prediction history

  2. Data Input

    The sidebar allows users to input various health indicators such as gender, age, hypertension, heart disease, smoking history, height, weight, HbA1c level, and blood glucose level.

    BMI is calculated automatically based on the height and weight inputs.

  3. Prediction

    The predict_button triggers the prediction function which uses the pre-trained model to predict the likelihood of diabetes. The prediction result is displayed to the user.

    The pre-trained achieving an accuracy of 94% on a 100000 large dataset was loaded as a .pkl file into the streamlit code.

  4. Visualisation

    Seaborn and Matplotlib enables the users to examine the relationship between the features. Multiple graphs integrated to provide a comprehensive overview of the input data and the diabetes_prediction_dataset.csv.

    If diabetic the plot on the graph is a unique circle with a shade of red, else the circle plotted is dark shade of blue.

  5. Suggestions

    Personalised lifestyle and dietary suggestions, including helpful resources of hospitals in India are provided by the integrtaion of gemini-1.5-flash LLM model.

    Sutable safety_settings and temperature was configured along with the nucleus sampling of the top_k and top_p temperature

    Kept maximum output of 4096 tokens at a time for the assistance.

  6. Q & A Chatbot

    The website hosts a Q & A Chatbot to answer queries arising by patients. The history of queries entered by the user are saved and displayed in the end. The chatbot leverages the use of gemini-1.5-flash LLM Model.